Jan 07 2009


Published by at 10:48 am under just stuff

I’m trying to figure out how to post a video and I keep getting stuck. I’m sure I’ll think better after a couple of days. Yesterday my poor Perrin ended up getting sick and was not having a good time. Today he’s feeling better, but still lovin’ the couch and in his jammies. (I wish I could wear footsies and look as cute as my boys do!)

So today we’ll keep it simple. Relax, work on some more times tables while he’s off-track, and maybe I’ll get some fabric cut. I’ve got some small projects I want to do in addition to tackling my first simple quilt. I hope to put this time off-track to good use!

One response so far

One Response to “stuck”

  1. Uncle Fudger says:

    Submit the video to a major TV network, have them air it in primetime, and someone will grab the video and put it up on youtube for you.

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