Apr 26 2011


Published by at 7:31 pm under knitting

Been a little absent because I’ve been enjoying the late afternoons with my boys. It’s quite a delight to have us all riding bikes now and taking advantage of the long hours of sunlight.

I finished this scarf about a week ago as a surprise for my Mom. It’s a late birthday present since I didn’t get it done in time (March) due to all the rib stitch. Basically my right arm wanted to fall off. LOL! I had to take breaks because I spent too many hours one week working on it and was pretty sore. I’m a slow knitter right now.

The pattern can be found in this book: Vampire Knits

I confess I bought the book solely for this pattern. Had I been a more experienced knitter I could have realized what a simple pattern it is and winged it, but in the end I am glad to have the whole book. There are some fun patterns in there and I already have a few more projects from the book on my “to do” list. You know, for the “spare time” I’ll have after I finish two hats, another scarf, get some curtains sewn, finish a quilt, attempt a watercolor … Haha! Hopefully this summer is a productive one! 😉

Anyway, it always feels good to get a project completed and this one was a hit with my boys. I’m not saying I’ll be knitting another one anytime soon, but I can see myself making some slightly shorter ones for the boys for this winter. It is a pretty cool scarf!

3 responses so far

3 Responses to “tourniquet”

  1. Betheny says:

    That. is. so. COOL!!

  2. Julie says:

    I can tell why your boys love it. It looks like a lot of work but it’s pretty awesome!

  3. Grandma #1 says:

    Thank you for the scraf Emily!! I have it at work and when the office tempture is cold, I wrap it around my neck and wait to see who can figure it out—many of my co-workers know I love Twilight and The Vampire Diaries.

    Might need one more for the United Way Vampire Basket!! that is a cool idea! the event is always in Fall/Winter. I will buy the yarn.

    thanks Emily!!!

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