Jun 11 2009


Published by at 3:07 pm under Family,just stuff,photography


Some of my favorite conversations between my boys occur on the way to or from school.

This morning Perrin was talking to Owen on the way to school. They were talking about normal things for them, including video games, when Perrin says the following:

“I never blinked when I was little.”

This caused me to giggle as I remembered thinking the same thing when I “discovered” blinking as a kid. I don’t remember how old I was, I just know I was in grade school. It was brought up during a science lesson and I remember thinking that I never remembered blinking before and was surprised to find myself blinking automatically. Which is true, it’s something we do without thinking and being a little kid, why would I pay attention to blinking my eyes? The concept of doing things naturally, like blinking, was way over my head at that point of my childhood.

“Really?” I asked him.

And it was this next line that got me really good:

“Yeah. That’s why I wear glasses. You can only wear contacts if you blinked.”

The mechanics of a nine-year-old mind are quite entertaining.

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “blink”

  1. Grandma #1 says:

    What a handsome little boy. Hope I am here to see him grow up to be a young man.

    Thanks for picture and the story!

    Proud Grandma

  2. Jenna says:

    I love the things that come out of kids’ mouths. Golly Gosh, Em, I bet you are kept laughing all day long with not only the funniest husband, but also funny kids. 🙂

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