Dec 23 2008


Published by at 6:20 pm under photography

Where I live, it really doesn’t get cold enough for snow. In the 32 years I’ve lived here it’s only “snowed” two times that I can remember. Both those times the snow melted once it touched the ground. But it was pretty, and it was fun. So it’s a treat to wake up and see the not-so-distant hills covered in snow after a chilly day of rain. Don even called me to let me know that I may want to take my camera with me when it was time for me to take the boys to school. I was glad he did!


The boys were excited to see the snow covered hills and it was enhanced when some of the tracks from the Lord of the Rings musical score came on over the iPod.


The snow is mostly gone now, but our days are still chilly. We have more rain in our forecast, so if we’re lucky the hills may be covered again just in time for Christmas.

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