Nov 25 2008

just a bit of silliness, really

Published by at 3:57 pm under Family,photography

What movie?? Hehehe!

No Crap Shoot Tuesday from me, today. Instead I thought I’d share a funny picture from an experiment a few weeks ago. The boys and I were waiting in the van after a hike while Don ran in to Best Buy to pick up Rock Band 2. Since we had been hiking, I had my camera and decided to take pictures of the boys making faces at themselves in the flip down mirror.


I ended up with a ton of these hilarious photos of the boys.

It was also funny to see the expressions on the faces of people walking past the van because this is what they saw:


Curious, does anyone know what movie that quote is from? 😉

One response so far

One Response to “just a bit of silliness, really”

  1. Heather says:

    Just a bit of silliness is from a film I saw just last week: Finding Neverland.
    A wonderful (British) actor named Freddie Highmore who recently portrayed an american in August Rush. He was also Charlie of the Chocolate Factory film.
    There you have it!
    While poking around on my pc, I found myself flitting from one blog to another, landing on yours with your question. I had to answer it now, cos I will in no way be able find my way back here without popcorn- lol.

    Heather (from Montreal)

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