Sep 05 2008


Published by at 2:56 pm under Family


Something you’ll be seeing more of around here are photos as I spend more time with my camera trying to make sense of it, as well as having “fun” trying to figure out PhotoShop.


The boys and I had some fun yesterday, we took a little trip to our local “kite flying” park to take advantage of the windy afternoon. We are lucky to have a local park that is all field and sidewalks. It’s seldom used since it doesn’t have any jungle gyms or swings, which makes it perfect for kite flying days.

Perrin’s kite is the one shown above. He was excited to find it. It’s supposed to be a NAVY jet, or something. I found it kinda funny considering the outfit he picked out for himself, shown below.


If he could, he’d wear camo every day. Doesn’t matter if it’s the same type of camo either, he’ll mix them up and look quite the site.


But he is a lot of fun to watch as he’s flying his kite. He likes to put energy into it and make it’s really something to fly a kite.


I like how he shoved his water bottle into his pocket.


I have a bunch of pictures of him flying his kite from this angle and they are a lot of fun to flip thru really fast. Not that I sit around and do that, because you know I have laundry to fold and dishes to wash…


His smile cracks me up right now. He lost one of his top teeth and the partner is currently very wiggly, so he plays with it and pushes it around, giving him a snaggletooth that Nanny McPhee would be proud of.


This is Owen’s kite. I find this one a lot of fun to fly. It’s pretty easy to get up into the air and tends to float in the breeze instead of fly harshly like Perrin’s jet.


Which is good since this is how Owen likes to fly his kite. He’ll stay in one spot and hold on to it. I’ve got lots of pictures of him from this angle and the only movement I get is from his head turning to look at the kite. He likes to take it easy and watch what it going on around him.


I like to watch his face as he watches the kite.


He doesn’t like it when I get in his way while pointing the camera at his face.


Then it’s not that too long after that when he’ll make this face and remind me that he left his water bottle in the van. So we wind up the kites, get back to the van, then drive to Wendy’s for a frosty, because that’s how kite flying days should end. 😉

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