Jun 03 2007

birthday fun

Published by at 3:22 pm under Cakes,Family


We had tons of fun yesterday for the boys’ birthday party! We ended up with 18 of us getting together, including Don’s Aunt and Uncle who happened to be in town this weekend. Great timing! From the locals we were missing three of our usual number, and we missed those family members living out of state (another ten). We often opt to just include family for the birthday celebrations because we enjoy being together, and it’s always more fun when we can get everyone together. Don comes from a family of eight children. Three have moved out of state, along with their spouses and families, and are always missed when those of us still here gather for family events. We are elated that one of Don’s brothers will be returning to California later this month, and can’t wait for our sibling slumber party that we’ll host at our home once he’s back! Anyway, I digress!

The boys have been enjoying bowling on the Wii, so we decided to have a bowling party for them this year. It was perfect, as it fit the theme of the solar system cake Owen wanted since we were there during Cosmic Bowling time. They turn off the house lights and have fun black lights that make the bowling balls glow, along with colorful “disco ball” type lights. After counting up those of us who would be participating in the bowling, we ended up with only two lanes.

We left the bumpers on one of them for the kids, and I must confess, it was fun to watch the bowling ball bounce off the bumpers like a pinball on it’s way to hit the pins. All the kids ended up with success in the form of either strikes or spares. However, no matter how many pins they got down each turn, they always came back with smiles on their faces, ready to see how their other family members would do.

We had fun heckling each other on the “grown up” lane. Haha! Many years ago (10+), I was on a bowling league thru my work. While I was never an outstanding bowler, I sure did a heck of a lot better than I did yesterday! Oh my! The horror of the gutter ball! My Father-in-Law won on our lane, beating out one of the Brothers-in-Law by about five points. And while he wasn’t the top scorer, my brother threw the fastest ball at 27.6 MPH. Once our hour of bowling was over, we headed back to our home for cake, ice cream and presents. The boys got many awesome presents and have been entertained ever since.

Here are a couple of pictures of their cake:


I made the planets out of fondant. Super easy since they are just balls. Jupiter had a hard time staying round because it is so big and didn’t set up as quickly as the smaller planets. If I had budgeted my time better, I also would have been able to color the skewers holding the planets up.


The rays of the sun are made from chocolate. I got this awesome book, The Whimsical Bakehouse, that has so many tips on making some very creative cakes. You basically create the sun’s rays by working in reverse order. Start by piping the milk chocolate, let it set up, then the orange, let it set up, then the yellow. When you peel it off of the wax paper, you reveal the finished creation.

The color for “outer space” is a combo of blue and black to get the hue I wanted. I then added some purple that I darkened with more blue and blended that to the outer space coloring. Again, the tips on how to do the color blending are from The Whimsical Bakehouse. I added purple because I always notice shades and swirls of purples when I see pictures of outer space. I then added some silver balls (edible) for the stars.

This is the first time I’ve completely designed a cake on my own, so it was very fun for me to work on. It turned out just as I had planned, and I learned what I would do differently to make it better, if I ever do a solar system cake again.

I think my favorite part was seeing everyone talking with blue lips. Hahahahahahahaha!

15 responses so far

15 Responses to “birthday fun”

  1. Nancy says:

    WOW! What a cake!

  2. OMGoodness — how creative, Emily! Fantastic job — I bet they loved it!

  3. Stephanie says:

    All I can say is WOW!!!!! I’m so envious!! I’ve been throwing around the idea of taking a Wilton’s class because I would like to make cakes for my son too. I’m totally inspired now!! : )

  4. Karen - Jusgottastamp says:

    What a fabulous cake!!!! And what adorable birthday boys!!! 😀

    Do I need to let you know a month in advance what the gnome wants for his cake so you’ll have time to make it? 😉

  5. PJBstamper says:

    My first thought after OMG was of blue lips and tongues. From the little cake decorating I used to do, I know there’s a lot of food coloring needed to get your outer space that dark.

  6. Jessica says:

    This cake is fabulous!!

  7. Rose Ann says:

    Wow…what a cake! My son would having a cake like that! Great job!

  8. Taylor says:

    What a cake!! Your boys are so lucky to have a mom like you! I’m sure they loved it! Happy Birthday Owen and Perrin! 🙂

  9. Paula says:

    The cake is cute and so is the birthday boy.

  10. andeecate says:

    Em, I am speechless! You are such an artist!!!

  11. jami says:

    Oh my heavens – incredible does not begin to describe that!!!!

  12. Tamara says:

    That cake is a work of art. It is beautiful, you did such a wonderful and creative job of decorating it!!!

  13. lexi says:

    awesome cake! isn’t it the best when they come out like you plan?! not so easy to file it in the circular and start over…

  14. Debbi D says:

    You are so awesome! I would love to have a cake like this for ME! The words just don’t come to ……sigh. Thank you so much for sharing & for being such a great mom.

  15. Kathi says:

    How cooooool is this? Wow, what an awesome cake and look at those lucky, adorable little boys who got to eat some of it! How fun, Pixie~

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